Maximize Solar Efficiency

Get the most out of your solar panels with Suns Out Solar Cleaning! We ensure your system runs at peak efficiency by removing dirt and debris that block the sun’s energy. Our expert cleaning boosts power, extends panel life, and helps maintain your warranty. Maximize your energy savings with Suns Out Solar Cleaning – where clean panels mean brighter energy solutions!

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Dirty Solar Panels?

Dirty solar panels can have a considerable impact on their performance and durability. When panels are covered with dirt, dust, bird droppings, or leaves, they can’t absorb sunlight as effectively, leading to a decrease in energy production, sometimes by as much as 25% to 30%. This reduced efficiency means you get less electricity and, consequently, less savings on your energy bills. Furthermore, the accumulated debris can cause the panels to overheat, increasing the wear and tear on the materials and potentially shortening their lifespan. Regular cleaning is crucial to ensure that solar panels operate at their optimal capacity, providing maximum energy output and extending their useful life.

Increase Solar Efficiency With a Cleaning!

We clean your solar panels with water purified through three stages: RO, carbon, and DI filters, ensuring it’s free of any impurities. This ultra-pure water is applied with a water-fed pole featuring soft bristles, gently removing dirt without scratching the panels, for a clean and efficient solar system.

Pigeon Problem?

Pigeons nesting under solar panels present an urgent issue, as their droppings and nesting materials can severely damage the panels and reduce their efficiency. The acidity in bird droppings can corrode solar panel materials, leading to costly repairs or replacements. Furthermore, the buildup of nests and debris can block sunlight, significantly lowering the panels’ energy output. Pigeons can also dislodge wires and other components, jeopardizing the entire system’s functionality. Addressing pigeon infestation promptly is crucial to maintaining the longevity and efficiency of your solar panels, ensuring they continue to provide optimal energy production.

We've got you covered!

First we remove any nests and waste the pigeons leave behind without damaging the panels. Once cleared, we install a wire mesh around the base of the solar panels. This will act as a barrier keeping pigeons away from your solar system ensuring it operates efficiently.

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